2 days
Seminar fee
from 1,080.00 C$ *
What can you expect from this course?
How to find and eliminate Risks effectively, brought to you by Alon Linetzki, Expert, Consultant, Trainer and an international conference Speaker.
Goals of participating in Risk Based Testing & Root Cause Analysis
Day 1 Risk Based Testing
In day one, Alon Linetzki describes and identifies areas of risks in the project, related to testing and quality management. He discusses the different risk approaches, their benefits and day to day uses, how to identify, analyze and mitigate risks, which risks are relevant for testing, which metrics might be useful for reporting and tracking risks, how to increase one’s ROI, and get practical tools for the whole risk based testing cycle.
Alon presents case studies and real life scenarios, a wide range of examples and exercises.
Day 2 Root Cause Analysis
In many cases, we pick solutions to problems without sufficient analysis. This results in implementing a cover-up of the symptom rather than a solution to the ‘real problem underneath’. When this is done, the problem will most likely to surface again in one disguise or another, and we may mishandle it, just as we mishandled it initially.
Getting into the bottom of problems, is the right way to both save money (from things to happen again in the future) and to solve the problem (which we are facing now). Combining that with a powerful risk based testing approach (day 1), will make sure one dramatically increases the probability of eliminating those risks once and for all.
In this workshop day, Alon Linetzki describes and identifies a bundle of root cause analysis techniques that are widely used in the industry, gives examples on how to use them, runs exercises and presents case studies to demonstrate how to implement these techniques, and discusses how to connect them to our day to day testing context. Alon illustrates this method with data from experience in real life projects.
The following contents will be covered
Day 1 – Risk Based Testing
- Introduction
- Major Objectives of a Project
- Risk Types
- Software Projects and Risk
- How does Risk help us - testers?
- The New Language of Risk
- Risk Based Testing – Running Out of Time
- ‘Good Enough’ Approach for a Product Release
- Contribution of Testing to Release Manager Decision
- 'How good is Our Testing?'
- Risk Base Testing and Quality Metrics
- Study Example – Introducing an Integration Testing phase
- Case Study #1 – presentation and discussion
- Principals of Risk Management Process
- Identification
- Analysis & Planning
- Mitigation, Tracking and Control
- Knowledge Risks – what is the exposure of your team
- Technical risks – environments are a big issue…
- Risks Reporting – how to pass the message across in the boardroom…
- Case Study #2 – presentation and discussion
- Risks in Agile Environments
Day 2 – Root Cause Analysis
- Root Cause analysis in defect management; Introduction, Challenges and benefits
- Fishbone technique
- How to analyze RCA for critical problems?
- Cause & Effect graphing (technique variation)
- “5-Whys” technique
- Identifying root causes, paths and possible implementation alternatives to eliminate those risks (root causes)
- Where can we use the techniques in the testing lifecycle?
- Using RCA for prevention and corrective actions
- Workshop Retrospective
Prerequisites for participating in the course
Senior level knowledge about testing processes, lifecycle and defect management.
Target Audience
- Managers
- QM/QA Staff
- Project Managers
* All prices here do not include tax
legend and explanation of the signs
guaranteed to run guaranteed to run
discounted price discounted price
Your Contact to the Academy
Mrs. Katrin Krauss
mail: akademie@imbus.de
phone: +49 9131 / 7518-750
fax: +49 9131 / 7518-50