Your path to secure IT with security tests

In the field of software testing, security tests are a special procedure for uncovering security gaps in your software or software-based system.
With security tests, we support manufacturers and operators of software and software-based systems in solving IT security problems and getting a grip on IT security risks. We support companies worldwide with our automated security tests. We offer security tests according to common industry standards and guidelines such as OWASP Top 10.
We also test your corporate IT, e.g. network, databases or corporate websites, or embedded systems for the Internet of Things (IoT) for technical and organisational security vulnerabilities.
imbus supports you in developing strategies and implementing measures to identify and effectively eliminate security gaps. Not only during the operation of software systems, but also preventively in the early phases of software development. To this end, imbus offers various security testing methods.
imbus is certified to ISO 27001 and a member of the Alliance for Cyber Security, established by the German Federal Office for Information Security.
imbus makes security testing easy!
Note: Visit the imbus IT-Security Test Webinars. You can find dates & registration here.
Do you have any questions about imbus IT security services? Then please contact us by e-mail or telephone.
Your contact person at imbus
Mrs. Klaudia Dussa-Zieger
phone: +49 9131 / 7518-740
fax: +49 9131 / 7518-50