What can you expect from this course?

Generate the maximum value from the Open Source tool set Selenium for your project environment across all test types.

Goals of participating in Selenium Essentials

Especially in end-to-end testing, a very large manual test effort can be avoided when automating tests. For each agile SW development project, automated tests are enablers for Continuous Integration and Delivery and are therefore indispensable.

The Selenium Tool Family is an open source toolset for highly scalable browsers and mobile automation solutions. As such, it is the standard for test automation in many large and small businesses. The tool family offers great flexibility, cost-effectiveness and broad support for all browsers. With the addition of ios-driver and Selendroid, selenium also supports the automation of mobile applications.

In this seminar, you will get a practical introduction to test automation with Selenium.

The following contents will be covered

  • Introduction and current trends in test automation
  • The Selenium Tool Family: Selenium2 / Webdriver, GRID
  • Selenium and its interaction with test frameworks (JUnit, TestNG)
  • Test frameworks
  • Selenium / Webdriver protocol
  • Selenium basics
  • Selenium advanced
  • How does Selenium interact with test frameworks
  • JUnit and TestNG and how they work with Selenium
  • Selenium protocol overview
  • Selenium / Webdriver API
  • Remote Webdriver
  • Selenium Grid
  • Custom waits
  • Expected conditions
  • Reporting and screenshots
  • Page objects
  • Mobile automation with Selenium
  • Selenium in the future

Prerequisites for participating in the course

  • Basic understanding of software testing
  • Basic knowledge in a high level programming language (e.g. Java)
  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS

Your Trainer

With many years in the software industry in lead roles at Ericsson, Nortel Networks, Intel and eBay, Michael Palotas founded Element34 Solutions to share his passion and knowledge in the test engineering field and to help organizations implement agile engineering practices.
Michael also had a direct influence in the development of various tools in the Selenium tool family (i.e. Selenium Grid, Selendroid, ios-driver).
For more than 10 years Michael shaped software development and test engineering at eBay. He led the transformation for eBay International from a traditional waterfall to a highly agile organization employing new paths and approaches especially in the engineering practices area.


  • Entwickler
  • Product Manager
  • Tester
  • Tool-Verantwortliche