"Can you do it!" was the motto of this year's "Youth Experiments" competition. On March 3, 2020, 169 participants started with their projects at the regional competition for Central Franconia in Erlangen, Germany. 84 participants with 62 works in the "Jugend forscht" section and 85 participants with 44 works in the "Schüler experimentieren" section.
From the digital time clock with fingerprint to e-home automation solutions for under 50 euros to practical ideas such as the use of coffee grounds as a composite material - there were almost no limits to creativity.
For the third time, our CEO Thomas Roßner was on site as a juror and was once again impressed by the participants' wealth of ideas:
"In the area of technology, where I was on the jury this time, I was particularly impressed by the quality of the execution of many projects. The young people use maker tools such as 3D printers, board routers and IoT construction kits confidently. This is no longer tinkering, but prototype construction."
Die Jurorinnen und Juroren des Wettbewerbs bewerten Thema, Durchführung und Ergebnisse eines Projekts. Sie bilden ihr Urteil auf Basis der schriftlichen Ausarbeitung, der mündlichen Präsentation im Jurygespräch sowie der visuellen Gestaltung des Ausstellungsstandes. Keine leichte Aufgabe also, hier zu den Gewinnern zu zählen.
Wir gratulieren unseren Regionalsiegern Mittelfranken und drücken die Daumen für den Landeswettbewerb!