What can you expect from this course?

Get more quality out of your project with less effort. In this course you will learn how to do this by applying structured software quality assurance!

Course objectives: Software Quality Assurance

In this course, you will get answers to the following questions from experienced quality assurance professionals:

  • How does software quality assurance work? What is involved, what is proven and recommended?
  • What should never be ignored?
  • Which QA methods will lead to targeted improvements in your project?

How can people from different departments be made aware of, motivated and involved in a mutually beneficial software quality assurance process? In this course you will find everything you need to know, from short-term 'stop-gap' measures, resolving  acute project difficulties, to planning, implementing, and evaluating a medium- to long-term process improvement programme.

You will be able to select and initiate the most promising improvement actions in a situation-specific manner and counteract problems in your project before they arise.

If booked in-house this course provides the ideal forum to discuss the most appropriate models for you as a whole team. It will enable you to familiarise your entire team with your systematic quality assurance.

The following topics are covered

  • Motivation, basics, terms (quality, software quality, product quality & process quality, software quality characteristics according to ISO 25010, planning, constructive and analytical quality assurance and quality management)
  • Overview: Quality Management, Software Quality Management in a Project, Purpose and Content of a QA Plan
  • Software quality assurance activities
  • Creating and using software development lifecycle and process models
  • Quality management in the software life cycle / project quality assurance
  • Requirements and change management
  • Auditing projects and processes
  • Process evaluation and improvement using maturity models (CMMI, SPICE)
  • Planning and implementation of process improvement activities

Target Audience

  • IT Specialists
  • Project Managers
  • QM/QA Staff
  • Test Consultants
  • Testers
  • Test Managers
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Mrs. Katrin Krauss